2009 Trials

Below we have videos we shot from May 2009 in North Carolina.

CORN:The video proved to us that the soap can be used in furrow. Last year we waited and went over the top at about the 3 to 4 leaf stage. Watch Video
CORN: The Week later the 2 x 2 furrow treated were almost as large as plants grow 2 weeks earlier, Goal is two week earlier harvest. Watch Video

Cotton Field averaged 66 boles per plant

Farmer setting in some 4 ton per acre fescue
FESCUE GRASS: Chest High Watch Video

Farmer setting in some 4 ton per acre orchard grass
ORCHARD GRASS:. Chest High Watch Video

Farmer expects 130 to 150 bushel acre oats

BARLEY: These trials were on Barley field and farmer got 102 bushels acre and twice the straw, NC extension office certified Farmer never had more than 70 bushels acre. Watch Video

Farmer expects 100+ bushels acre bearded barley, Farmer never got more than 70 bushel area!

No this soybean stalk is not a Hybrid its a group 3 Asgrow variety which made several 4 bean pods

We treated the Wheat in the Fall vs Spring and look at this root mass about 4X, Goal is 2 week earlier! This is all part of an experiment we are conducting for last two years to move the double crop line 500 miles north. Reduced growing time and frost resistance are key! Last year we double cropped soybeans in Lansing, Michigan against all odds with a July 23 planting!

WHEAT:Worst to First. Kinston, NC Farmer had a bad field way behind his other fields. Contacted us about what he could do. Told him to go over the top with Soap and within two weeks his worst was his best. The success continued and now as pictures show his worst fields have 4 inch wheat heads and the untreated are 3 inches or less and not as thick. I would also bet that test weight on treated is 4 lbs highers. Root mass is no comparison.

. UNTREATED: And this was the farmers best field! . .

. TREATED: Significant Increase of farmers worst field!. .

. TREATED VS UNTREATED: No Comparison. .

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