Soysoap 60 Benefits beyond replacement for Pesticides, Production and Soil Remediation

Pico Technology LLC
5731 Lexington Drive, Parrish, FL 34219 800 995-9203, 336 306-0193
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Future agricultural strategies may also include the use of picotechnology instead of nanotechnology  to reduce the toxicity since electrons can be excited in any macro-, micro-, or nanomaterials. The change in electron distribution, along with the associated charge redistribution, can alter surface energetics to change the adsorption of certain proteins (as well as cellular functions).

Primary Benefits of Soysoap

#1 Soysoap State of Florida approved for Soil and Ground Water Remediation
#2 Soysoap is Physical Chemistry At 600 Picometers or 2 Atoms Size.
#3 Soysoap Beta Analytic Tests Product For Biobased Content 89%.
#4 Soysoap The Ingredients are: EAFUS: A Food Additives
#5 Soysoap Midwest Laboratory no hazardous Canadian Heavy 11 Metal
#6 Soysoap Particle size provides trans-location and remediation.
#7 Soysoap Restructures Water and Spray Rig Pressure Drops by 19%
#8 Soysoap Increased Brix Levels 100% to 200%
#9 Soysoap Electrical Conductivity (EC ) (Microsiemens)
#10 Soysoap "Increasing Carbon Dioxide Consumption"
#11 Soysoap "Increasing ERGS by 2000%
#12 Soysoap Plant Tissue Analysis Increased Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Oats Alfalfa!
#13 Soysoap Spray Rig Cleaning Benefit
#14 Soysoap Wind Resistance Benefit
#15 Soysoap Late Planting Benefits
#16 Soysoap Frost Resistance
#17 Soysoap Increased 269% Brix in Macadamia Benefit
#18 Soysoap Crop Production Factors, Their are 141 reasons!
#19 Soysoap tested Soysoap doesn't effect good bacteria
#20 Soysoap can achieve "Increasing Carbon Dioxide Consumption"
#21 Soysoap Used as Seed Wash, Germ Test 85% Untreated to 98% Treated!
#22 Tank Mixing, Water Restructuring, Lower Dynes from 70 to 30!
#23 Soysoap Panama approved for both Organic Fertilizer & Organic Pesticide

Secondary Benefits of Soysoap

1 No health hazards signage to workers, customers, or owners because of Soysoap.
2 No warnings signs anymore posted to protect customers or workers when spray ing or applying because of Soysoap
3 No concerns of toxic chemical sprays drifting into neighborhoods or runoff into water or air supply because of Soysoap
4 No concern over issues associated with registered pesticides when spraying because of Soysoap
5 No protected storage area or special handling of dangerous chemicals required because of Soysoap
6 No special handling, transportation or equipment required compared with toxic chemicals because of Soysoap
7 No threat or concern over fees and fines levied by OSHA guidelines because of Soysoap
8 No threats of violating "toxic chemical label laws" for applying more or the wrong Pesticide than direct by poisonous product instructions because of Soysoap.
9 No more hazardous waste disposal requirements to follow because of Soysoap.
10 No workmen's compensation claims or lawsuits from customers or workers claiming insecticide exposure because of Soysoap.
11 No workers compensation fees charged to your business category after receiving a waiver for reducing or eliminating pesticides and toxic cleaners because of Soysoap.
12 No more liability for pollution mitigated for land sales, no cleanup of pesticides because of Soysoap.
13 No more closing because of spraying as now you have a zero re-entry time product because of Soysoap.
14 No additional labor or costs required for associated spraying and handling because of Soysoap.
15 Provides a "poison-free" working environment by replacing dangerous fungicides and Insecticides, in multiple forms, plus degreaser, toxic detergents, numerous cleaners and solvents because of Soysoap.
16 Self-cleans equipment applicators and reduces equipment maintenance costs because of Soysoap.
17 Reduces pesticide and chemical costs by up to 75% because of Soysoap.
18 Enhances plant root growth and nourishment by breaking the surface tension of water for deeper and more rapid soil penetration because of Soysoap.
19 Increases product yields from 105% to 300%. Product appears to strengthen plant, which provides stronger blooms and increases systemic acquired resistance, defending plants from insects and fungus because of Soysoap.
20 Has increased plant growth by 10% to 300% over a 3-month period of time for starter plants because of Soysoap.
21 Soysoap has saved $25,000 annually by reducing discarded plants on a nursery.
22 Nontoxic product can be recommended and sold to customers and other growers because of Soysoap.
23 Provides an increased peace of mind about crop success and non-poisonous operations at reduced costs because of Soysoap.
24 Faster crop production more turnover of crops in fields and greenhouses. We are looking at 35% increase in greenhouses and possibly a 100% increase in annual field production by growing an extra crop per annum because of Soysoap.
25 Faster crops means less borrowing costs on crop loans because of Soysoap.
26 One can alternate, rotate or mix of Soysoap with chemicals to lower costs and reduce environmental pollution and worker safety because of Soysoap.
27 Farmer workers can use the product for washing hands, cleaning tools therefore not spreading diseases from plant to plant or tree to tree or human to customer because of Soysoap.
28 120 day Rice Crops grown in 100 days with up to 45% yield increase, 120 Day Onion Crop grown in 90 days with 30% more production because of Soysoap.
29 Quality of grains and nutrients of crops grown increased by because of Soysoap.
30 Plum Harvest rejection rate was decreased using Soysoap from 65% to only 35%. The quality of fruit and skin now meet the shipping standards because of Soysoap.
31 Product is made from 100% US GOV Food and Drug Administration (FDA) EAFUS food additives. The product is defined as food by FDA because of Soysoap
32 Soysoap improves the plants electro mechanical function, which enables cells to communicate more efficiently and be more productive because of Soysoap.
33 Increases plant Brix/Sugar levels by up to 100% has been recorded because of Soysoap.
34 Can be used to supply nutrients to seeds which encourage germination and vigorous growth because of Soysoap.
35 Plants sprayed with Soysoap reduce CO2 from the atmosphere by up to 33% by increasing plant sugar levels in the photosynthesis process because of Soysoap
36 Potential benefits could be claimed carbon credits will help reduce price of Soysoap (TM) in the future because of Soysoap.
37 Nontoxic, Non-Hazardous, Cost Effective, and Humanly Safe because of Soysoap !
38 Reduces Hunger, Starvation and Poverty with increased Production because of Soysoap.

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