PicoAg,5731 Lexington Drive, Parrish, Florida 34219
Email: donwilshe@biobased.us, Website: http://www.biobased.us, USA Tele: 3363060193

Crop Production is not Agrotechnology its CO2, And get your part of $10 trillion dollars!

Soysoap Is Testing BioStimulant Fertilizer on Bananas as we did in Ecuador and Phillipines

The fertilizer story and data below! It's Simple! They came from the ground! The problem
was that a chemical company patented an agent used within the herbicide industry! And
said that chelation binds and makes these minerals unavailable for farmers plants. Those
vital plant ingredients are calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc! Those herbicides
that used the agent caused chelation or minerals tie up in 1960's till 2020. Minerals bought
but never available for his plants, It was a waste of money for 60 years! The farmers were
never told by the fertilizer or herbicide industries!

Another trial of Soysoap, this time it's Banana.

Sales: Okay, hi guys. Once again, we are here with another trial of Soysoap, this time it's banana. It's a banana plantation and there is a very troubling situation going on in Saint Lucia. And that's a troubling situation, it's called Black Sigatoka, I think I am pronouncing that correctly. But let me just - instead of telling you what it is, I am actually going to show you exactly what it does. Black Sigatoka basically sucks the life out of the plant. It actually sucks the green part from the leaves and as a result, you have something like this, okay?

Sales: So if you turn the leaves, you can see they usually sit on the back of the leaves and they actually just suck the life out of the leaves. And obviously, if the plant has no chlorophyll, it cannot produce - I mean, if you have dead plants, you obviously have a dead tree. And as you can see, these - all of - each and every plant, it has one of those leaves, okay? So it's going to move from this leaf and then it's going to move up the chain and eventually kill the entire tree.

Sales: So what we are doing here with Soysoap, is we were spraying even basically turning these plants into healthy plants, making them much more resistant to these deadly, wow, look at this, let me see if we can see, oh, here is the culprit right here, look at this. So these little guys are going to suck the life out of the plant and soon this leaf is going to turn to something like look at this guy here, okay? What we are doing right now is hopefully by applying Soysoap on those plants, we're going to have a much healthier plant.

Sales: Okay, so what I am going to do, we will be spraying in a minute, is getting a little bit dark, but we are going to be spraying a small portion of this huge plantation as you can see. Once again we want to thank - thanks to the farmer, Mr. Suraj who actually given us access to I think that's about 8 acres of bananas right here. And all right, so what I am going to do in about 14 days, between about 10 to 14 days, I am going to get back in touch with you to see if we were able to help these plants grow in such a way without using any toxic chemical.

Sales: All right, we're going to see again in about 10 to 14 days.

Black Sigatoka Joint Venture Started in Ecuador (Private Label Soysoap B-100) & Philippines (Private Label Soysoap 1)

5 Years: Bananas Black Sigatoka CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus), Moko, and Erwinia Controlled and other Bacterial, Viral and Fungi Diseases List below with Soysoap B-100/Soysoap 1. We privately financed at over $300,000 the cost to control for Banana Diseases, and now our goal is to bring Soysoap B-100 to the Caribbean. We will have to go through the Pesticide application process with Soysoap like we did with "Soysoap 1" private label for Panama, same as Soysoap for each Caribbean & Central American country, Below is the Sustainable Organic Pesticide License. The also have an Panama Sustainable Organic Fertilizer License

Bananas and Get Well with Soysoap B-100, These are the diseases that are killing production of Bananas:

Bacterial diseases: Bacterial wilt, Blood disease, Bugtok, Finger tip rot, Rhizome rot, Javanese vasular wilt, Xanthomonas wilt, Banana bacterial wilt, enset wilt

Fungal diseases: Anthracnose, Armillaria corn rot, Black cross, Black leaf streak, Black Sigatoka, Black root rot, Brown blotch, Brown spot, Ceratocystis fruit rot, Cigar-end, Cladosporium speckle, Corm dry rot, Cordana leaf spot, Crown rot, Cylindrocladium root rot, Damping-off, Deightoniella fruit, speckle, leaf spot and tip rot, Diamond spot, Dwarf Cavendish tip rot, Eyespot, Fruit freckle, Fruit rot, Fungal root-rot, Fungal scald, Leaf rust, Leaf speckle, Leaf spot, Main stalk rot,Malayan leaf spot, Marasmiellus rot, Moko, Panama disease, Fusarium wilt, Peduncle rot, Pestalotiopsis leaf spot, Phaeoseptoria leaf spot, Pitting, Pseudostem heart rot, Root & rhizome rot, Sclerotinia fruit rot, Septoria leaf spot, Sheath rot, Sigatoka, Sooty mold, Speckle, Squirter, Stem-end rot, Trachysphaera finger rot, Tropical speckle, Verticillium tip rot, white Sigatoka

Viral diseases: Bract mosaic, Bunchy top, Mosaic, Streak, Banana mild mosaic, Moko, Banana virus X

These pics are 4 months after the first injection for virus control in bananas. They have already harvested the treated plants and their offspring is growing strong and symptom-free. We are doing another round of injections to protect the second generation and they will harvest a banana bunches that will be very profitable for the farmer.

Banana Plants recovered                                           Banana healthy plant after injection treatment

Banana injected plant showing strong recovery      Banana second generation recovered from viral disease


Young plant untreated sigatoka on older leaves       Young plant treated 21 days after Soysoap spraying

This banana farm has a total over 2000 hectares. Each airplane load is for max 100 hectares so we did one with air spray with Folicur (Tebuconazole systemic fungicide) mixed with mineral oil plus water, emulsifier and Soysoap B-100. The rest of the farm was sprayed with Folicur alone so we should see in one week a better fungal control on the banana leaves than the control lots and also a much more vigorous, healthier plant. This Friday we will go back to the farm to evaluate the fungal evolution parameters on the leaves which is what ultimately will confirm my previous results and get us this big account in the very near future! See Below when our Soysoap B-100 product was MSU University tested for Folicur Equal it was for control Fungal Disease.

Bananas: The following diseases have been treated:

Black Sigatoka: Dilutions of 1/2% and 1% in water have been used to treat established plantations and newly planted fields (always more susceptible to the sigatoka fungus.

We have sprayed the plants with backpack motor sprayers and also with airplane spraying. We were able to document complete control of stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3. Stage 4 control is probable but due to the high incidence of black sigatoka during the rainy season

(December and up to June) in Ecuador, it is very difficult to convince a banana farmer to let us spray Soysoap B-100 only. And even more, since the fungus pressure is so high , the airplane companies (which use inspectors to determine optimal air spray intervals, which farmers have to "abide by". So our progress is very slow being new and full of bumps but the need for a safe, innocuous, "green" product that "fortifies the plant so as to avoid being affected by plagues and diseases" helps us with the more innovative and open- minded producers. I have had success going directly to large banana farmers who are willing to minimize the use of chemicals and mineral oil. Also I am investing in an approved lab certification to document the minimum dosage required to control sigatoka and what stages we control.

Furthermore, I am in the process of certifying Soysoap B-100 as a bio-stimulant that has fungi static action and fortifies the plant because we can prove that a byproduct of the application of Soysoap B-100 in bananas, apart from controlling black sigatoka, is that the banana plant emits leaves faster, the "ratooning" is higher since faster growth of suckers means more bunches per year. This is very easy to demonstrate. We continue with our tests during the dry season (June/July to December) but sigatoka is less aggressive during this season because of cooler weather. We will go into the rainy season with a very healthy plant status so we should be able to completely prove this rainy season the effectiveness of Soysoap B-100.

We also have been injecting banana plants at a rate of 15 ml per plant (5 ml of Soysoap B-100 dissolved in 10 ml of water) and have documented the eradication of CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus) in bananas, Moko, and Erwinia. Injected plants exhibit very aggressive growth specially the suckers and the suckers' suckers as well as very profuse root growth!. In Spanish we call the suckers, the "sons" of the banana plant and then the suckers or sons have grandsons! I do not find the English translation for this word.

Also we have sprayed Soysoap B-100 on the soil in front of the main sucker in a semi-circle fashion. Soysoap B-100 is diluted to a max 1% dilution in water and 150 cc are applied per plant. This creates a very aggressive growth, higher leaf emission, healthier appearance, more roots and therefore a faster cycle to production.

I can summarize that the benefits of Soysoap B-100 in tropical crops is very easy to document and show to farmers since the effects take place in less than a week, which is unheard of unless you are using hormones! And these are very expensive, cannot be overused or the plant goes into lots of stress, etc.

Folicur is a systemic fungicide (Tebuconazole, the active ingredient) which is used alone or in "cocktails" for Sigatoka Control. The dosage is 0.4 liters per hectare. When in cocktails it is usually combined with a protectant fungicide named Mancozeb (Dithane is another commercial name for this protectant fungicide). Syngenta sells Tilt (Propiconazole), Bankit (Azoxystrobin) which is both systemic fungicides which are used alone or in cocktails with other systemic fungicides and/or protectant fungicides.

Syngenta also sells Bravo (Daconil, active ingredient) which is a protectant fungicide used alone and diluted in water and NOT in spray oil, or emulsion.

The difference during the rainy season when the sigatoka fungus is way more aggressive) between systemic fungicides and protectant is that systemic last longer in the plant killing fungus up to 14 days, while protectant fungicides only last 7 days max! And then you need to air spray again adding up to the cost of fungal control.

Then during the dry season the sigatoka fungus slows down and you can lengthen the periods between air sprays as both fungicides tend to work more efficiently since the fungus presence goes down in the environment.

We have been able to prove that instead of using Mancozeb or Dithane as a protectant fungicide that mixes well with systemics, we can use Soysoap B-100 and maximize the systemic fungicide's efficiency while at the same time Soysoap B-100 kills larger lesions than any other fungicide in the market. Soysoap B-100 however only kills per contact. It is not absorbed into the plant to spread and kill fungus spores in other areas of the banana leaves like systemics purportedly do.

Now, we have a small banana parcel where we are treating plants and experimenting with frequencies, concentrations, etc. with Soysoap B-100 and Soysoap B-100 mixed with soluble sulfur, alkaline silica, Copper Sulphate and other natural fungicides or fungi static agents to potentialize the efficiency of Soysoap B-100 so we will keep you informed about this.

As per your questions. We use 200 cc of Soysoap B-100 mixed with 400 cc of Folicur in a 20 liter water/oil emulsion to cover one hectare of bananas. Obviously we can mix it with other systemic fungicides which have different dosages per hectare. The key in fungal control in bananas is rotation of the chemicals to avoid breeding resistance and this is what makes Soysoap B-100 a freaking billion dollar product for bananas because in theory we can use Soysoap B-100 in cocktails during the rainy season and then Soysoap B-100 alone during the dry season and as we go on gradually strengthening the plant, we are able to lengthen the spray periods, and reduce the usage of systemic fungicides because Soysoap B-100 kills more spores and conidia from sigatoka than any other fungicide therefore reducing the fungal population levels.

Banana Report: Soysoap 1 . 48 Page Philippines Banana Protection & Production Report

We received news that you are doing well in the banana plantations in Ecuador and we are glad about it.

We know that you have a team that works on banana nutrition and on disease control and if there is one person or group who is an authority on banana, it is you and your team, hence if it is not asking too much, we are very much interested to know your protocol on the following:

1. Dilution, frequency and method of soy soap application on banana for plant nutrition or as a fertilizer? If it is done in combination or in cocktail with other fertilizers, kindly specify, the kinds and amounts of fertilizer combined.

Soysoap For The Control of Black Sigatoka, CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus) Moko, and Erwiniain bananas, . Winnie, let me start by saying that since soysoap (which I call it AGRISAFE in Ecuador) is such a versatile, powerful and all encompassing product I have decided to call it a family of products and so from now on, I sell AgriSafe Fungal-Out for Black Sigatoka control, AgriSafe Phyto-Inject for fast and strong stimulation of weak plants, stressed plants, plants in poor soils, etc, and also for viral control (this treatment may also serve for moko and other banana diseases). I dilute this product to a ready-to-use presentation so that it can be injected into the plant to stimulate overall growth and to eliminate viral disease. Although we rarely see MOKO in Ecuador, I am sure that the injection will control MOKO and you may have to add an application to the plant wetting its based for eradication of the bacterial presence. AgriSafe Root-Plus for biostimulation, growth promotion, and nematode control. Now, in response to your specific question, I do not sell soysoap as a fertilizer or plant nutrition supplement.

2. Dilution, frequency and method of soy soap application on banana for the control of sigatoka disease? If it is done in combination or in cocktail with other bactericides or fungicides, kindly specify, the kinds and amounts of bactericides and/or fungicides combined. For Black Sigatoka control we have already figured out that 200 cc per hectare of soysoap mixes very well with any and all the conventional chemical systemic fungicide mixes used for Sigatoka control by airspray. In other words we add the soysoap to the agitator tank in the airfield, mix it in for two minutes and the liquid goes into the plane for spraying. Any trained technician in Sigatoka can tell the difference in Sigatoka Control when we add soysoap! The only product we do not mix soysoap with is DITHANE or Chlorothalonil, and we will figure this one out by the summer season down here when farmers start using this product. Now, you can also airspray 400 cc of soysoap in up to 20 liters of water for Sigatoka Control on its own!! Soysoap will control Black Sigatoka extremely well and we shall begin testing soysoap on its own for Sigatoka control this summer (which is our dry season and the fungus aggressiveness goes down substantially versus the rainy season) Do not be afraid!! Soysoap has proven to be such a noble product ! It does not plug the micro pulverizers on the airplane, does not harm the chemical fungicides at all! On the contrary it makes systemic fungicides much more efficient!! Since I do not know the behaviour of Sigatoka in your country I cannot tell you much about how to start taming the disease since there are so many factors affecting the incidence of this damn fungus inside a banana plantation. So if you can get a trained Sigatoka technician to write me a description of how Sigatoka behaves in Philipines and how it is treated conventionally I can study this and make recommendations together with my team down here.

3. Dilution, frequency and method of soy soap application on banana for the control of moko disease? If it is done in combination or in cocktail with other bactericides or fungicides, kindly specify, the kinds and amounts of bactericides and/or fungicides combined. We have injected sick banana plants with soysoap and we see a recovery in 90 to 95% of the treated plants. Sometimes we have to re-inject the ones that show symptoms again. We already have 1 year and a half without viral disease in three lots that we have treated so we need more time to determine if we cure them or if we may need constant re-injection. But the simple fact that when we inject a sucker and it produces a healthy bunch, it is not too difficult to convince the farmer that we needs to reinject the plant for the next production cycle! Good business too! Now, what we do is that we dilute 1 cc of soysoap into 9cc of water and this we inject the sick plant with a cattle syringe. I have sent you pictures before! We inject half the dosage in the pseudostem of the adult plant (we call the ‘mother’ down here) and the other half goes into the sucker if if has more than 70 cm height. The injection to the sucker goes into the base of the sucker sideways to try to avoid damage to the main central vein that goes inside the banana plant. The injection in the adult pseudostem goes a hip height. This injection creates such a rapid stimulation that you may notice in less than two weeks how the plant starts growing faster, healthier and new roots start growing like crazy!! In two months the plant color starts returning to normal in diseased plants. NOW, for MOKO my recommendation is to inject the plant with the 10 cc described above and n top of that you should completely soak the base of the banana plant all around. (Dosage may be a dilution of max 1% of soysoap in water) You need to disinfect the highly aggressive MOKO bacteria presence. And my hunch is that there may be a vector for the Moko disease in the form of an insect? Anyway please give me as much info for MOKO because luckily we do not see it in Ecuador.

4. Dilution, frequency and method of soy soap application on banana for the control of panama disease? If it is done in combination or in cocktail with other bactericides or fungicides, kindly specify, the kinds and amounts of bactericides and/or fungicides combined. Same recommendation as for MOKO! Soysoap controls fusarium so you can get rid of Panama Disease very easily. Injection followed by soaking of the plant as above

Also, if you have studies and protocol on pineapple using soy soap or in combination with other fertilizers or fungicides, we will appreciate it very much.

We have used soysoap for fungal control in pineapple at a 1% dilution in water. It can be applied alone or mixed with any fungicide except DITHANE that we have not experimented with as of yet. PLEASE ALLOW ME TO BE UPFRONT! DO NOT BE AFRAID TO EXPERIMENT! BE BOLD, BE BRAVE! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. DOSAGES MAY HAVE TO VARY FOR DIFFERENT PROBLEMS BUT ALL IT TAKES IS LOGIC, COMMON SENSE AND FAITH I WILL BE VERY HAPPY TO HAVE YOU INVITE ME TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY IF YOU NEED TO ?

We pray that your group will continue to reap your success in ecuador.

Thank you in advance and GOD bless.

John Bravo P. Técnico Fitosanitario Responsable, Soysoap For The Ccntrol Of Black Sigatoka

Agrisafe was mixed in water at two dosages (0.5% and 1% concentrations) for the application per hectare in two independent trials with control lots nearby. No adherents or any other type of coadyuvants was used.

A “Nuvola” (ULV) backpack sprayer by “Cifarelli” was used to spray the treated lots at a dosage of 60 liters per hectare of the prepared mixture.

The application of the Agrisafe mixture was done exactly ten days after the last airplane spraying with conventional fungicide (TILT, a triazol systemic fungicide) on April 12th, 2011 in a high-pressure area where the fungus incidence is very aggressive. (“El Garzal” farm in Mocache, provincial de Los Rios).

The results were evaluated 3, 7, 10 and 13 days after the application. It was found a good result for early infection control and also past fungus lessions were inhibited and not allowed to progress to more dangerous stages. This allows to presume that more applications in rotation with systemic fungicides may help to obtain healthier leaves for harvesting bananas with no “almond” problems. (When Black Sigatoka is not controlled properly the fruit at harvest shows signs in the pulp which disqualify it from export quality and is thus rejected in the packing plant).

There is no major difference in the fungus control in the two treated lots with the different concentrations but there is a stronger positive reaction and higher foliar emission in the higher concentration lot. Therefore we recommend a controlled lab analysis for minimum lethal dosage for fungus, conidium and spore inhibition and eradication.

Additionally the repetition of the application of “Agrisafe” will show an overall improvement of the crop’s development since we have documented higher foliar emission, more “suckers” developing and much faster than normal. Also since Agrisafe is NON toxic this is a very important factor for the Sigatoka control in Ecuador.

The “Stover modified method” of Sigatoka evaluation was used for fungus presence and detection plus the visual inspection of early and more advance stages of leaf infection.

It is recommended that the “Agrisafe” evaluations be conducted during the summer (cooler dry season, dormant sigatoka incidence) up to the incoming winter or hot rainy season (where the sigatoka fungus quickly attacks)

John Bravo P. Técnico Fitosanitario Responsable