Dr. Doris Rapp - Envriomental Sick Schools, Could Just As Well Be A Home or Business!
Low Bids for Construction can have serious health consequenes!

Toxic Wake Up Call Lecture With Doris Rapp MD
New York Times best selling author Doris Rapp for a lecture about toxins in our world.

Dr. Doris Rapp - Children's Allergies to Food & Environment

Dr. Rapp is dedicated to sharing important information about harmful environmental factors that can affect how children and adults feel, think and act in our high-tech, high-stress, high-profit world. The "progress at any cost" mentality is rapidly overwhelming our bodies as we attempt to cope with our increasingly polluted environment.

Dr. Rapp is committed to educate both the public and health professionals about the ominous physical and behavioral changes frequently evident in children and adults. The more we know, the more we can protect ourselves and our loved ones by taking some often easy and inexpensive precautions. We simply have to be more informed so we can make better choices.

In her breakthrough book, "Is This Your Child's World?" - Dr. Rapp identifies the major symptoms of potentially unrecognized allergies in children and adults, suggesting possible sensitivities to dust, mold, pollen, foods or chemicals. Allergies are much more than high fever, asthma and itchy skin. It is possible to identify allergies by simply looking at someone. At times it is surprisingly easy to find and eliminate the cause.

The typical clues of allergies and environmental illness can include any combination of the following: Rubbing Nose Upwards, Eye Wrinkles, Dark Eye Circles, Sudden Aggression, Scarlet Earlobes, A Spacey Look, Extreme Activity Changes, Wiggly Legs, Red Cheeks, A Mottled Tongue