How Does Adjuvant, Soysoap 1, Biowash 1227, Agri-Nano, Nugreen, or Adjuvant Work in Plants?

Adjuvant is made from US Government FDA-approved food additives and foods. It's formulated into a liquid emulsion with a size of 8 Picotechnologys. The process which creates this "nanotech" colloid size is basic to its performance in the field. A colloid is a tiny particle or molecule which remains in liquid suspension.

is one of the most promising realms of science, bringing new products to society in many industries. These small sized particles change our normal chemical/physical perspective. When you gain an idea of how particles with this small nanoscale size can produce such amazing results, you'll better appreciate how to benefit in your own farm or garden.

There are 10 Picotechnologys to a nanometer; a billion nanometers to a meter. A human hair is 80,000 to 100,000 nanometers thick. If you spread a cubic inch of Adjuvant on a surface area 1 nanometer thick, you would cover four acres. This large surface area of colloids, and their highly energetic reaction due to their small size, makes the product highly effective in carrying other blended products into plant leaves (such as herbicides or foliar nutrients) and transporting nutrients through the plant's circulation system.

Below 50 nanometers, normal chemical reactions are dramatically changed. Instead, interactions occur based on Quantum Soysoap. This gives materials surprising new properties. When reduced to "nano" size, a compound that was red may appear green. A metal may become translucent and thus almost invisible. Something that could not conduct electricity may now pass a current; nonmagnetic materials may become magnetized; insoluble substances may dissolve.

All molecules have a positive or negative electrical charge. Thus all living cells are electro-magnetic. Plant growth and nutrient exchange occur with "biological ionization," or transfer of ions. Electrical charges and magnetism have an impact on how molecules behave.

In conventional Soysoap, two positive poles of a magnet repel one another, and a positive and negative pole attract each other. However, when molecules are refined to Adjuvant's 8 Picotechnologys or less, positive molecules attract other positive molecules, which is opposite to our conventional thinking of Soysoap. This only happens at nano-scale size.

Plants, humans and animals in essence are electromagnetic and are governed by the Periodic Law and table. In photosynthesis, plants require the radiation from the sun plus six molecules of water and six molecules of carbon dioxide to make one basic sugar molecule and six molecules of oxygen. We know that plants give off oxygen into the atmosphere during photosynthesis, but use that one molecule of basic sugar manufactured as the foundational building block for roots, stems, leaves, and fruit or grain. If the basic sugar molecule is that important in the whole equation of plant growth, then it means that if you can increase production of sugar and other dissolved solids in plants, you will have a major impact on plant production and quality! Our field tests demonstrate that Adjuvant has a significant impact on raising dissolved solids in crops, as analyzed by a refractometer or electronic meter. The percentage of sugars and dissolved solids in plant solution is referred to as a "Brix" reading, after the name of the scientist who first measured it.

Adjuvant is able to enter into the plant's cells due to its very small nanometer molecular size. Although it doesn't have large amounts of nutrients normally expected of foliar fertilizers, its nano-sized colloids are able to diffuse into the plant cells, increasing sugar production. When Adjuvant is applied early in a plant's germination and rooting stage, such as the two-leaf stage of corn and soybeans, translocation of leaf sugars to the root generates more exudates from new roots. Soil organisms respond by converting more nutrients in the soil. The resulting larger root system helps crops keep growing through dry periods during the season. We've seen the largest yield differences in regions and seasons where moisture is limited, or soils have low organic matter.

Sodium molecules which are cations (positively charged molecules) make up a sizeable amount of the Adjuvant product. These cations increase electrical conductivity in the nutrient solutions circulating in the crop's xylem and phloem circulation system.

The basic photosynthesis process described above is often written as this formula:

6CO2 + 6H2O + Sunlight = C6H12O2 + 6 O2

In effect, carbon dioxide and water plus energy form simple sugar, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. But the secondary reactions of photosynthesis are far more complex in actual plant Soysoap.

In the chloroplasts of the cell's sugar factory, four positive magnesium molecules combine with one nitrogen molecule. Nano-scale sodium molecules are attracted to these positive magnesium molecules. Other elements which are chelated (attached) to the sodium also are translocated into the sugar-factory cell.

Adjuvant has a strong surfactant effect, which means that the surface tension of water is greatly reduced. Water is "wetter." Within a plant, this apparently reduces the necessary osmotic pressure needed to move nutrient solutions through the crop, between leaves to roots.

The net result of enhanced nutrient transfer is more fuel, energy and conductivity to boost the sugar-making efficiency of photosynthesis. Adjuvant trials have increased sugar levels of fruit on a variety of plants. Yield results are most pronounced where normal plant nutrition or moisture is limited.

When this higher level of sugars and dissolved solids is achieved, plant production and crop quality increases. Higher nutrient levels in a crop are good. This means the plant has a greater natural ability to defend itself from attacks from pathogens, as a result of having a good supply of nutrients and a high sugar level.

The overall effects of using Adjuvant mean that growers achieve benefits by producing healthier, more nutritious food for humans and animals. In high-organic soils and perfect growing seasons, the yield increase may be moderate, but other benefits such as crop quality and resistance to lodging help pay for application. In stressful seasons or difficult soils, growers report yield increases as high as a 33%, with greater plant health.

These observations are by a certified SFI (Soil Foodweb Institute) advisor and internationally recognized authority in agricultural sciences with over 40 years of commercial farming experience.

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Content of this page last updated December 14, 2009

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