Steve Moseley: Larry Williams he's doing a test plot for wheat today. We're standing in a field here right now that averaged about 105 bushel to an acre of wheat on it. They cut it Saturday 2 combines both were set and certified by UT Extension Agent Ed Barnes, the right owner to be certified that the monitor is working like he is supposed to. But Larry is coming up through the field here now cutting his wheat and combine here. They're going to stop here and let the combine clean out, they’re going to get all the weight data that they could get on there. If Ed Barnes is up there he's going to do a test on test weight; rough test weight!.

Steve Moseley: Larry Williams he's doing a test plot for wheat today. We're standing in a field here right now that averaged about 105 bushel to an acre of wheat on it. They cut it Saturday 2 combines both were set and certified by UT Extension Agent Ed Barnes, the right owner to be certified that the monitor is working like he is supposed to. But Larry is coming up through the field here now cutting his wheat and combine here. They're going to stop here and let the combine clean out, they’re going to get all the weight data that they could get on there. If Ed Barnes is up there he's going to do a test on test weight; rough test weight!.

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