2011 - Larry Williams Decherd, Tennessee - We had a 100 acres and averaged 125 bushel of acre and had a Soysoap test plot it had some yields in it as much as 150 bu acre and so I'm convinced it helped to it just made it, it has done something to it, it helped.

Steve: We're sitting here with Larry William this morning, down here at Decherd, Tennessee and Larry been a two year user of our Soysoap product on his crops and things today and we want to ask Larry a couple of questions about what he thinks about the use of Soysoap. Larry just tell us a little bit about your experience with the Soysoap the last couple of years.

Larry: Let’s say we've been using it about two years and you know we have had good results. So that’s especially bean drop you know when well we use it – the year before last the beans probably made about 10 bushel an acre more than it did when we didn't use it. And we just kind of had a little trial run that year and it took some as it took us a day or two to figure out what's going on what was raising. But one field across the road makes much more than the other field and then we found out what we done and we put Soysoap on that one field and the other field we didn't. And it had to shatter, where one field was shattered out a little bit though when we put the Soysoap they didn't shatter out and just they did so much better than the other one's you know. And kind of convinced maybe that their product works and so and the way to use it again based on the same thing again and this past year and so we're going to try it again.

Steve: Tell us a little bit about your wheat crop this past year in 2011 what your use of the Soysoap on your wheat crop?

Larry: Of course wheat is pretty good wherever you go but we had a 100 acres and averaged 125 bushel of acre and had a Soysoap test plot it had some yields in it as much as 150 and so I'm convinced it helped to it just made it, it has done something to it, it helped.

Steve: We came in this time and you had some Canola this time for the first time that you had had in several years and tell us a little bit about your Canola yields.

Larry: Then we had intended to get to get two shots on the Canola but it is everything didn't work out to where we did but we got one shot on it, when we put the proline on it with the fungicide on it and we put a shot of it on our land and we had about a 75 bushel over better average on 200 acres or something of Canola and you know. And it turned out pretty good you know it helped it, you know it got. As a matter of fact it might have got a little too tall when I put more of that Soysoap. Then me think of the height of it all but it got pretty big but that didn't really bother anything.

Steve: Tell us this about the Soybeans that you had here beside the shop here behind the canola, tell us sort a little bit about what you did with the Soysoap owners Soybeans this time?

Larry: Yeah we planted 100 acres with beans behind the canola and they went right across the road and planted some behind some wheat. Same beans planted the same day, just basically the same ground you know and of course we sprayed Soysoap on both of them but the canola beans average about 12, 13 bushels an acres more than the wheat beans did, planted exactly the same day the same bean, same weather the same everything you know.

Steve: Did you put two shots of Soysoap on it?

Larry: No we just put one.

Steve: Just put one.

Larry: No I put two, I put two.

Steve: Put two up on it?

Larry: Yeah.

Steve: Okay.

Larry: We put two of Soysoap on it but one of them when it was real small and we put the other one on with the fungicide of it.

Steve: Well is it a product that you would recommend to other farmers Larry?

Larry: I would I believe that it's convinced me that it works. You know even the year before last when it was dry we had some awesome corn that year and the corn just maintained its color and just held up in the dry weather better than it did the other year we didn’t get any on last year you know but the year before last as we did in ten we got some quite a few acres of corn and it just held up better, it has held its color and seemed like it didn't stress it out is bad during the dry weather.

Steve: Okay well thank you Larry we appreciate your time today.

Larry: Any time.

Steve: Thank you.