Oats: Spring Oats: Farmer forgets to plant his Fall Oats so he planted and used Soysoap them in the sping and got the same yield - 120 bu acre! This was not unexpected for years we have been growing crops from 2 to 4 weeks faster whether its vegetables or major crops Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Oats, Barley, Cotton or Tobacco. So when the farmer ask me what to do I told him to plant his spring Oats and he would be fine, Lucky for me I was right! This video we shot and shows the Spring Oats caught up with the Fall Oats!

This is to us an amazing Soysoap story as usually Oats, Barley and Wheat are planted in the fall. This is to get more root mass, less winter thining and a head start on the plant growth to get it out in the spring sooner so you can start your double crops. Well the farmer sort of forgot to plant the fall oats! So the farmer asked me what I thought and I told him we felt we could grow grain crops planted in the spring or fall and get the same yield. Well this story shows that happened when we did a side by side planting of fall and sprint oats. Both yielded over 120 bu acre in the Carolinas.

Freddie: These oats were sowed here in February. And these oats come up back in the fall because we had a fire last summer and we had a lot of volunteer oats. And so we decided we'd just come in and drill them. And this normally, this is about the size our fall oats gets. But last year, oats got up here like this, where we use this Soysoap. And we've got behind this time and didn't get it all real early, but normally, our spring oats don't get about a foot tall. You know, and they're up here almost even with the fall oats, you know. I can't believe how the fall oats is - spring oats has come and caught up of what normally, fall oats where it goes, usually they don't get by about this tall.

Don Wilshe: How did you get these to grow that fast?

Freddie: We put Soysoap on them. We Soysoap them twice and we didn't use any nitrogen this year. We didn't put any nitrogen, whatsoever on them. And we're going to be cutting, practically at the same time as these right here, there ain't going to be a whole lot of difference in them. They've been covered up for the fall oats. And we don't normally don't like to sow oats in the spring. We like so them in the fall, and get a good coverage you know, if they don't freeze out and you know, and we had darnest these crop oats right here last year you've ever seen.

Don Wilshe: What'd you get last year?

Freddie: We averaged 133 bushel on oats but we're not going to do that, you know, this year because when we got them sowed and all, if we could have got them sowed earlier, we would have done awfully good, I think. Because where this is done, since we sowed them in February.

Don Wilshe: We're going to see, sure see a difference over one shoulder versus the other shoulder. One sort of yellowed up a little bit but the other one just really closely get behind them.

Freddie: Yes.

Don Wilshe: Won't you step out of the way, I'll shoot one down the line here. That's good, Freddie. I think I can almost see the line there.

Freddie: And they're back to this how is this tall as what come up in the fall. That's what, you know, amazes me how quick he got these after, what the others was.

Don Wilshe: Yeah, you got some nice oats here though. These are spring oats, right?

Freddie: Yes.

Don Wilshe: Essentially.

Freddie: For spring oats, these are super good.

Don Wilshe: Well, let's hope we continue and so you looked like you burned up about two acres here and then you got the volunteer came up - Volunteer came up pretty thick, though, huh?

Freddie: Oh yeah. Yeah, that far. We brought them up. You know, so, and we went ahead and re sowed then these and spring oats in them but, it is amazing how they've caught up.

Don Wilshe: And so, well.

Freddie: Like I said normally, they don't get by about this tall at all what the spring oats usually gets.

Don Wilshe: I saw that we've got a brother coming out of a tractor, I'll talk to you later buddy.

Freddie: All right.

Don Wilshe: Well, thanks an awful lot.

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