1000 More Pounds - Interviews Allan Warren, About his Burley with Color, Even at $1.46 pound still get you $1480 more per acre for $30 of Soysoap = ROI of 49 to 1! The Farmer did recommend 4 to 5 times with the Soysoap and only used $8.75 vs $30 for an adjusted ROI of 185 to 1, Crazy!

Steve: We are here standing here again with Allan Warren talking about his tobacco crop that he had this year using Soysoap. And how good it looks and what poundage wise is this year and everything. Allan tell us give us a little overview about what from start to finish -- I know you’ve been battling the elements just like we have this year with the rain and everything. Just give us a little overview of what you have accomplished with your tobacco this year.

Allan: All right then. On the burley tobacco this year, I have 4.6 acres. And I am east of I-95 so this is a nontraditional burley area. Traditional burley is probably 95 West. Some folk started growing burley here four or five years ago. And I picked up on it last year. And I sprayed the tobacco with lay-by. Lay-by is about knee high the last time we tried.

Steve: Right.

Allan: And I put on the whole field I sprayed four ounces banded over the row. I had enough Soysoap to spray the back side of the field an additional, four ounces. And when I say backside I am talking about the back acre of the field. Tobacco grew up good, it grew healthy. No disease pressure. No insect pressure. The disease I actually got the extension agent to come by here and look at it. I thought I had a lot of tomatoes spotted wilt virus which is, can be a big problem in burley in this area. He walked me in the field and he said, you do not need me out here you ain’t got no problem. Its kind of when you grow things where you see something and you worry about it. He shook his head and he said no problem at all on this. And I did not fumigate the land; I did not have any black shank, ground of wilt, no disease to speak of. On the insects, I did want to mention that on the side of the field that I only sprayed once. I saw some stinkbug damage. On the side of the field, I sprayed the additional four ounces to make a total of eight. I saw a few stinkbugs but the damage was very, very, very minimal if any at all. The tobacco grew off good and it grew healthy, big, tremendous; just, just, just beautiful tobacco. It looked good. It just made the crop good in management I believe it, it just goes back to a healthy plant makes a good management crop.

Steve: And you were talking earlier about how the -- you know how it cured out better; seemed like it cured out better this time than it has in the previous times.

Allan: Well it cured good. The weight of the tobacco yield in this area, ordinarily if you can do 2000 or so pounds per acre you know you’re not getting along pretty good. This tobacco is weighing around 3000 pounds per acre. That is 1000 more pounds than you would expect. If you put money on it, you know, even if you just say a $1.50 per pound. It should be more than that, more really like about a $1.70 seventy, a $1.80 right. You know that is $1500 more per acre, that’s just money in your pocket, above than you expected. And that’s the bottom line with anything.

Steve: So with your two spraying that you put on, you put four ounces down on your banded. You put it down twice for a total of eight.

Allan: That is right.

Steve: So you are looking at nearly 101 return on your investment.

Allan: That is true. That is true. Next year I plan to spray the same thing, but I want to be spraying four, five times. I am going to start earlier. I am going to start five to ten days after transplant. Then I will come back again a second time at lay-by, another time before budding, another time probably after topping.

Allan: So I’m going to be staggering my sprays out throughout the growing season. I believe that with those stinkbugs that I did see, if I sprayed it all an additional time or two.

Steve: You will have no insect pressure?

Allan: Might not. And I can tell you this also. Worm pressure in this area was extremely heavy last year. I did not have any worm problems. I did spray my tobacco with poison for bug worms but I’m not to going to do that anyway, because bug worms are in there and you can’t. You do not see that damage until it is already out.

Steve: And it is too late

Allan: Yeah. Ordinarily a farmer’s going to spray that anyway whether they see it or not. But as far as your horn worms and your other insects in your acres, no acres at all. I never saw aphids in the field.

Steve: What would you tell other farmers who have never used this product before?

Allan: I‘d say try it. Try it and if you don’t use it on all your acres I’d say at least try 50%. And spray it at least twice, and if you really want to see results spray it four, five times. And just incorporate it into your program. And I believe that you will see results.

Steve: Absolutely.

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