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Pico Ag and Agriculture, part 2

Agriculture part 1 -- Agriculture part 2 -- Agriculture part 3

Plants survive because of the sun and animals owe their survival to plants. Plants upon which humans and animals depend for life are susceptible to 80,000-100,000 diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma like organisms, rickettsias, fungi, algae and parasitic higher plants. Approximately 3000 species of nematodes attack plants and more than 1000 cause serious economic loss to crops. Of the one million species of known insects, about 10,000 contribute to devastating loss of crops worldwide.

Pests are organisms that are competitive to mankind or his interests in some manner. Pesticides are agents employed by humans to destroy and control pests. The term 'pesticide' applies to insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and other types of pest controlling substances.

Worldwide, about 3 billion kg of pesticides are applied each year at a cost of nearly $40 billion (Pan-UK, 2003). In the U.S., approximately 500 million kg of more than 600 different pesticide types are applied annually at a cost of $10 billion (Pimental and Greiner, 1997). Paradoxically, despite the vast increase in the amount of pesticides used over the last 30-40 years, the amount of crop loss due to pests has increased from 31% to 37%. There has been a 10-fold increase in insecticide use in the US from 1945 to 2000, Yet during this period, total crop losses from insect damage alone have nearly doubled from 7% to 13% (Pimental).

This ever increasing use of toxic chemical based pesticides is taking its toll. For example, the total number of pesticide poisonings in the U.S. is estimated at 300,000 per year (EPA). Worldwide, the use of pesticides cause 26 million instances of non-fatal poisonings annually (Richter, 2002), of which 3 million are hospitalized, 750,000 come down with chronic illnesses and 220,000 die. (Hart and Pimental, 2002).

Around the globe, scientists are searching frantically for alternative methods of pest control, as the ever increasing amounts of pesticides that leech into our aquifers and vaporize into the air, continue to wreak havoc with the environment. With the world population expected to undergo its most rapid 25 year increase in history, the need for new methods of control has never been greater.

The emergence of Pico Ag is a major development in this quest. With a technology so new that testing laboratories had to be called upon to determine how it worked, Pico Ag embodies the essence of the next revolutionary movement in scientific progress - picotechnology (obsoletes Nanotechnology & Graphene). Pico Ag not only offers an environmentally friendly solution to many of today's agricultural problems, it does so in a remarkably efficient manner, so that today the farmer can solve most of his more troublesome gardening problems, in a totally non-hazardous manner, while at the same time, realizing a cost savings of 50% or more.

Because Pico Ag is a fatty acid, and therefore has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungicidal properties, it has proven to be very effective in the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections. However, it also has been shown to be remarkably potent in the battle against insect invasions as well. Its success against common plant predators, such as whiteflies, scales, thrips, mites, and mealy bugs, as well as fungal problems caused by downy and powdery mildew, among many others, led to questions as to why it was so effective. To answer this enigma, samples were sent to a testing laboratory for a more comprehensive analysis. Their report related to how it affected insects, but is applicable for other types of problems as well.

"Pico Ag immediately impacts the exoskeleton structure of the pest upon contact by disrupting the molecular structure of the chitin and other protein substances that protect the insect. This mechanism of action triggers the rapid and irreversible deterioration of the insect's spiracles and tracheal system, resulting in suffocation (as in the case of the adult mosquito).

The major benefit of this revolutionary method of insect control is the absence of undesirable side effects on human health and the ecosystem. Additionally, unlike standard insecticides in use today, no built-in resistance can be developed by the targeted insects, since this new insecticide does not act on the nervous system, but rather on the respiratory apparatus."

In short, Pico Ag works at the organic molecular level, attacking the hydrocarbon composition of the pest, which is in total contrast to traditional chemical methods.

In Layman's Terms, Here's How it Works

Scientists have offered various theories as to how Pico Ag kills or controls various pests, such as small body insects, bacteria, viruses and fungus.

First, fatty acids penetrate the insect's outer covering (cuticle), dissolving or disrupting cell membranes and cyytoplasm. This disruption of cell integrity causes the cells to leak and collapse, destroying respiratory functions, which results in dehydration and death of the insect.

Second, it may act as an insect growth regulator interfering with cellular metabolism and the production of growth hormones during metamorphosis.

Third, because of its carbon length, it can de-wax the pest's joints, leading to paralysis, which allows them to fall victim to other pests.

Fourth, it strips the pest's organic shields (wax, biofilm, etc) used as a protectant, thereby rendering it defenseless against subsequent treatment. Note: Both Three and Four are somewhat similar to One.

Fifth, it impacts the exoskeleton structure of the pest upon contact by disrupting the molecular structure of the chitin and other protein substances that protect the insect. This mechanism of action triggers the rapid and irreversible deterioration of the insect's spiracles and tracheal system, resulting in suffocation.

Sixth, it has the ability to fit into the interstices of complex hydrocarbon chains within a plant's leaves and disintegrate them.

Seventh, it emulsifies and separates bacteria, thereby stopping the reproductive cycle. As bacteria divide to reproduce, it's not certain how valid this argument is.

Eighth, oil blends kill insects by blocking specific neural pathways, octopamine neuron-receptors. Octopamine in insects are neurotransmitters that control insect movement, behavior and metabolism. The blockage of the receptor prevents the transmission of the octopamine signals, which leads to toxicity such as excitation, hyperextension, abdomen, immobilization and death.

What Type of Plant Problems Does it Control?

A wide array of growers are now spraying thousands of acres to control insects and various fungal and bacterial diseases. Successful tests have been conducted this year (2005) by plantation owners and/or farmers on everything from fungal disease in the neck of onions to rust in ornamentals. To date, Pico Ag has been found to be effective in eliminating or controlling the following pests:

Alternaria, Anthracnose, Aphids, Bacterial Spot (Peach), Blight, Botrytis, Canker, Cercospora, Chinch Bugs, Dieback, Downey Mildew, Fire Ants, Fusarsium, Gray Mold, Leaf Miner, Leaf Hoppers, Mealy Bugs, Mites, Pear Psylla, Phytophtora, Powdery Mildew, Pseudomonus, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Rice Blast, Rust (fig,plumeria), Sawfly, Scab, Scales (Soft Green, San Jose, Torpedo, Euonymous, False), Sooty Mold, Thrips, Tomato Curl Virus (TYLCV), Volutella Fungus, Whitefly, Wooly Adelgid.

Recent Test Results

During the first nine months of 2005, successful test results have been reported from India, China, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Panama, Zambia/South Africa, Australia, and the U.K. on tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, strawberries, papaya, asparagus, leafy vegetables, bananas, coffee, pineapple, rice, onions, oil palm, cucumbers, grapes, chili peppers, limes, wheat and macademia nuts.

A representative university test from Shanxi, China, read as follows:

Insect - Aphids: Tests were conducted on ornamental plants, potted plants, green pepper, and cherry trees. The dilution is 1:500 and 1:600 ratio. After three days, the mortality is 98%.

Insect - Scales: One test was conducted on potted plants with results. The scales on potted plants have 100% mortality after three days of 1:600 dilution spraying.

Plant Pathogen - Powdery mildew: The three dilution were tested, 1:400, 1:500 and 1:600. Experimental crops were melon, tomato and ornamental plants. 98% of infected areas were cleaned at 1:400 and 1:500 dilution. 90% of infected areas were cleaned at 1:600 dilution. After 15 days, no new infestations were occurred.

Other Agricultural Benefits

As anyone who has been monitored by the EPA in the U.S. or a comparable foreign regulatory body knows, there are many other considerations that are of concern to the grower due to the prevalent and widespread use of chemical pesticides. These may involve health of workers, compliance with tedious government regulations, and economic costs, direct and indirect.

A typical grower may have need of twenty or more chemicals in the form of insecticides, fungicides, bactericides, and foliar feeds, depending upon the crops being sprayed and the problems being treated. Each of these comes with its own onerous list of instructions, requirements and cautions. To date, the experience from growers who have reported to the Company indicates that Pico Ag has been successful in replacing almost all the diverse chemical toxic pollutants now in use. Those who have wished to keep using certain chemicals have mixed them with Biobased AG, thereby lowering cost and increasing effectiveness.

In addition to being far less costly to use, Pico Ag offers a large number of other economic benefits to the grower. There are highlighted below

  • No health hazard concerns for workers, customers or owners o No warning signs need to be posted before spraying
  • No concerns of chemical drift harming neighboring plants or crops
  • No special storage or disposal worries, unlike chemical pesticides
  • No protective clothing or respiration equipment needed when washing plants
  • No threat of property or ground water pollution from product spills No special training required
  • Provides a non-hazardous and poison-free working environment by replacing dangerous fungicides, insecticides and pesticides, plus degreasers, toxic detergents and polluting solvents.
  • Self cleans equipment, spray tanks, applicators and nozzles.
  • Greatly reduces equipment maintenance costs.
  • Eliminates the possibility of applying the wrong pesticide or incorrect amounts
  • Pico Ag can be applied as a sole treatment, used in rotation with conventional pesticide applications, or mixed equally with most conventional pesticides, resulting in substantially lowered costs and greatly improved effectiveness.

To these must be added a number of other benefits that Pico Ag provides the farmer/grower.

  • Enhances plant root growth and nourishment by breaking the surface tension of water for deeper and more rapid soil penetration.
  • Has increased starter plant growth by 100% to 400% over a 3-month period
  • Eliminates loss of new growth in greenhouses from damping off.
  • Appears to strengthen plants, resulting in stronger blooms and much better resistance to insects and fungus.
  • Reported increases in product yields of over 100%.
  • Reduces costs, compared with pesticide and chemical spraying, by more than 50%.
  • No special handling or equipment required, as is associated with applying toxic chemicals.
  • Eliminates any government or private claims for effects from insecticide exposure
  • No protected storage area or special handling of dangerous chemicals required.
  • No need to purchase and store multiple 'poisons' - i.e. insecticides, pesticides, mitecides or fungicides, when using one all-purpose, nontoxic botanical cleaner.
  • No more hazardous waste disposal requirements to follow
  • No concerns of chemical sprays drifting into neighborhoods or runoff into water supply.
  • No special worker training required and no specialized equipment needed
  • And perhaps the most important benefit of all, increased peace of mind through better crop productivity, combined with non-poisonous and totally safe operations at greatly reduced costs.

People continue to wonder how Pico Ag works, while at the same time marveling at how well it works.

Micellaneous Matters

When applied to bare root stock before planting, or saturating the root structure when in place, Pico Ag acts to stimulate new growth and development. It dissolves NPK from the roots, thereby enhancing nutrient uptake into the plant.

When it is used in conjunction with traditional pesticides and fertilizers, it improves their delivery and potency. The pesticide dissolves more easily in water, thereby simplifying application to crops. The pesticide/fertilizer becomes more stable and the killing capability of the chemical pesticide is optimized.

Because of Biobased AG's power as a degreaser, agricultural growers have found it to be surprisingly effecting in its ability to dissolve old caked-on resides from lines, nozzles and emitters.

Agriculture part 1 -- Agriculture part 2 -- Agriculture part 3