Oats: The farmer said that these Oats were yellow not dark, He had not seen yellow Oats like this in 50 years. At Harvest the farmer grew a record crop of 133 bushels and acre with a test weight of 38.8. The buyers were horse farmers that had not seen this yellow color of oats and swore they were Western Oats, not from North Carolina. I had asked the farmer how many trips around the field would it take to fill the combine and he said two trips and he didnt even make one. This farmer was used to getting 65 bushels oats.

OATS: Also Grown in Georgia and Texas just amazing straw height, color and 100 to 133 bushels

Transciption of Interview!

NC Farmer: Lovely 133 Bushel Acre Oats

NC Farmer: Yes. This is North Carolina Farmer. I'm in East Bend, North Carolina, 20 miles north of Winston Salem. This is an oat crop. It's striking me right along here. I've never had oats this tall until I used this Soysoap on them. They're hanging full of ready-to-cut oats. We're going to harvest some in a day or so here and see what they do.

Don Wilshe: How do you think this is going to compare? How many years have you grown oats?

NC Farmer: Well, about all my life, and I've never had them get this tall and this big and look this good and not fall down. They're standing well this time and we've had a whole lot of wind.

Don Wilshe: Yeah. There was about a 30-40 mph wind the other day?

NC Farmer: About three weeks ago, we had 40 mph wind, and I thought surely they were all going to be laying flat.

Don Wilshe: You mean sort of like this over here, huh? [Laughter]

NC Farmer: Yeah. It was run over there. That's what I was thinking all of them would be like, but these up here are chest high and looking good.

Don Wilshe: So either you got lucky or this Soysoap made the oats a little more wind resistant.

NC Farmer: Right.

Don Wilshe: Same way with your wheat before, right?

NC Farmer: Right. The wheat and all, it should all be on the ground with the way we've had wind. We're not having any problems with it lodging this time, maybe in the corner where he put too much 30% nitrogen and got a little bit too much and it did a little spot fall, but other than that it's all standing pretty. We're going to harvest it and see.

Don Wilshe: What do you think the yield is going to be on this, here?

NC Farmer: Well, we're hoping to do better than 100 on oats.

Don Wilshe: What's it been?

NC Farmer: Well, I have harvested some oats that made 100, but it's been a long time; normally, probably 70-80 bushels. I'm hoping these will go right smart over 100.

Don Wilshe: Now, what kinds of pests usually come into the field like this besides squirrels? [Laughter]

NC Farmer: Yeah. The squirrels, they come and get their share, but we have these aphids that come and get on them, and we have to spray it in the spring. We didn't spray it with anything except soap this year.

Don Wilshe: So when you scouted your field…

NC Farmer: They were on them. There were some bugs on them, and we went ahead and sprayed them with Soysoap right then and we didn't do anything else. That's all that's been put on these except fertilizer and nitrogen.

Don Wilshe: So it's like organic oats that you're growing almost.

NC Farmer: Yeah.

Don Wilshe: Same way with the wheat fields. The Soysoap seems to increase the plant health somehow and makes them more stronger.

NC Farmer: Right. It does.

Don Wilshe: I guess it's better to let the crops do the protecting instead of you spending the money on…

NC Farmer: Yeah, because of the expense of it and everything. We've already got enough in it with the way the input costs are. The seed oats were even higher from what they've been and plus the fertilizer and nitrogen have just skyrocketed.

Don Wilshe: Well, let's get into input costs that have gone up a little bit. How much did these seeds go up in price last year?

NC Farmer: They're up about one-third.

Don Wilshe: From like about what to what?

NC Farmer: Well, from the year before last, we didn't raise any last year, it was up one-third from what they were the year before last.

Don Wilshe: What's diesel fuel up for you, about?

NC Farmer: It's almost double.

Don Wilshe: And fertilizer?

NC Farmer: Fertilizer's tripled.

Don Wilshe: and Round-Up?

NC Farmer: It's skyrocketed too. It's up at least one-third to one-half, again, as much as it's ever been.

Don Wilshe: Any other major input costs that you have to deal with?

NC Farmer: No, not on these, because we didn't buy any chemicals to spray them with except the Soysoap.

Don Wilshe: So if the crop prices collapse, what's going to happen to the farmer?

NC Farmer: He's going to collapse, too.

Don Wilshe: Anything else you have to say there, Mr. Doub?

NC Farmer: No, nothing, other than I'll need to go get a combine ready to get making oats fly.

Don Wilshe: Okay. Well, thanks an awful lot.

NC Farmer: I'll tell you one thing and that is a pretty field of oats!

Don Wilshe: The final yeild totals after he harvested his Oats were 133 bushels an acre.

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